Vitality BerryLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Vitality Berry Vitality Berry has selected their winning logo design. For $250 they received 237 designs from 49 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by jerukKeprok Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 8th #171 Withdrawn New #191 Withdrawn Prefers others. #170 Discussion jerukKeprok Logo Designer new design:simple and recognizable, logo refer to weight loss(This comment references Entry #170) 15 years ago jerukKeprok Logo Designer next entry,make leaf look like energetic people(This comment references Entry #171) 15 years ago BKoechlin Client #171 I like the simplicity to this. Can you make a few other variations of this design? thanks! 15 years ago jerukKeprok Logo Designer Thank you very much for your productive feedbackhere's my variation, adding water drop on the leaves and adding "berry", now the logo look like 2 people doing aerobic, its refer to vitalitysorry my english no good, I try my best :)Thanks(This comment references Entry #191) 15 years ago