#15: too much green in it, but the conception is very good. We like it very much the symbol approach. We would like to see a symbol which is about "curing" or health. We would like to see this in different color combination. #17: it is very nice, the problem with it for me is that in dosent mean anything to me.
H there the direction is good this time, we would like ask whether you can make it more detailed. For example check out the third ranked logo. It doesnt have the meaning we are looking for but its very detailed.
Hi, Thank you very much for considering my design. I just submit some entries based on your request, hope you love them. Let me know if you would like to see any further revisions...
The one we put first place is excelent and brilliant, we liked it very much. We want to try out a few minor changes with the design.
Our main problem is that the white hands blend in too much with the white colored ring where the texts are. We want find an elegant solution to highlight the hands somehow.
First of all we would like ask you to think on this and come up some own solutions. Secondly we have a few ideas which we would like to see. For example the upper hand in black color the lower one with green color. Another thing we would like to experiment a little beside that hands is the centre gold color.... we would like to check it with a little "brighter gold".
Thank you in advance for your effotts Vital Help Company.
Yes we seen them, the grey background wasnt a good direction, so for now it will stay white.
Also we would like to see another conception. Theres is a thin line between the hands and the circles inner line, This line is green at the top hand and black at the lower hand. We would like to see a conception where you swap the green line with the black one. This way at the top there will be the white circle a black line than a green hand, at the bottom there will be the white circle, than a green line than the black hand. We dont know if this will look better or worse, we just want to check it.
First of all the color swap at thin line between the hands and the circles was a bad idea so, lets stick to the "green hand with green line and black hand with black colored line"
But What you done at the #97 concept.... we like it very much with, that the outer line of the circle is one constant line looks better so we want to take this element with us for the next concepts.
First, We would like to see the outer line of the circle with gold color instead of the green.
Second thing wich occured to us is that the sign "Vital Help" we would like to see in gold color.
Third is came from out of curiosity, is that how would remove all signs from the circle and put it beside the logo, and/or under the logo, we would like to see both if possible.
I thank you for your work, time, and effort you put into our logo, we really apriciate and looking foward to see what you do.
First of all we would like to apologize for beaing inactive for the last 2 days.
Design #101 is almost what we are looking for! It looks terrific and beatiful, nice job.
We only want try out a few minor modifications before we finalize the logo.
First we would like to ask you to look at logo #101 "Help" sign... it is a bit dark for us, it looks like bronz color instead of gold. We would like to ask you to use here the color you used at design #100 for the whole "Vital Help" sign. It looks much better.
The second thing we would like to try is a frame around logo #101. The color of the frame should probably be gold or black, but we are open for suggetstions if you find something that looks better.
#103 looks awesome! We only want a little modification on it. Make the outer glowing gold ring a bit thicker, because if we view it small it looks a little strange.
For example #102 is thick enough (of course it is a bit bigger as well, but we want to find the healthy middle ground between visibilty and thickness)
The gold outer circle isnt the right direction for us, so we changed the ranking. Let us forget the outer circle.
We put #101 to the first place. What we would like to check is that what happens if we remove the "refleciton effect" from the logo. What i mean is are at the hands finger part where is a whiter part. The reason for this is, that we like to see if we remove this white part from the finger area, that whether the hands would be more visible, easier to recognize even in smaller size logo, or from a distance. We dont know if this we look better or not.
Another idea for this is also the thin line above the green hand, could be a bit darker, but still green.
The last idea we would like to check is what happens if you thicken the white lines which draw out the hands. Would look better, more visible or not. These are the questions, we want to answer for ourself with your help.
Again, thank you for your time and effort in this projekt. We want to finish it as well as soon as possible but we want be thorough in trying out every possibility.
I think this picture is OK, but I’d suggest a small change. My problem is that the line that the arrow is pointing to, is a bit too long, and that’s why the fingres don’t seem fingers, buta s if something was on the palm (maybe a butter fly, or a little rabbit). But I don’t want anything on the hand, I only want a black hand. The problem is the same with the green hand, so could you please make the white line a bit shorter there too.