Like #2. Like the sun burst and the framing of Vista Palomar Park. The palm trees look stagnant and chunky > try to make more elegant and fun. The concept of the buildings is not quite right. Could you try playing with changing the buildings and the palm trees?
#7 - love the silver window swooshes #7 thru #11 - the design is looking great. the palm trees are a little too serious though. we like the light edges of the palm fronts. can you try make the palm trees more comical?
also, can you also play around with the color of the doors?
#31 - Nice concept. The text is a little hard to read - for printing t-shirts, for example, we think the text may get lost. Can you make it stand out a bit more?
#10 - Here too, the text is a little hard to read. Can you make it stand out a bit more? Can you also play around with the color of the plaque - the current color looks a little outdated?
For both #31 and #10, can you bring back the lighter window swooshes from #15. Also, the palm trees still aren't quite right. Can you make them less sharp and more inviting (something along the lines of #1 or #2 from before, but not as stagnant).
Let me know if this all makes sense. Thanks again.
#35, can you try one more thing for me? Can you make the doors blue and then try a natural/beige color for the plaque color? Feel free to try any other color combinations as well.