In both entries the "Giglio" should be the original Giglio of Florence (this symbol is like this since hundered of years. It cannot be changed) and it should the exact red. You can find it in Wikipedia.
In Entry #41 the soccer ball can be more "explicit".
I like your work, but let me suggest anyway some possible improvements:
1) less spikes in the crown and straight instead of bended. 2) consider that the logo will be used also on cups, t-shirt and scarves, you should try to make the "Giglio" bigger 3) make the "logo" and the "text" two separable elements (for entry #55 is not possible, but it's ok for all the others). At best, logo on the left, text on the right. 4) the typical panels layout of a soccer ball is more something like this: 5) it would be great if you can give the leather effect to the soccer ball (I leave to your experience and skills of designer, if this is reasonable or not)
In any case, thank you very much for your submissions!