thanks looking forward to seeing it also I would like to pick your brain do you think if we rotate the boat so you can view it at an angle would It look better?
what type of boat is that a ship or a container ship?
I think it looks great! it doesn't look to amateur compared to the others
anyway we can put some detail on the globe possiblely maybe diferent color for the land compared to the ocean I want something that when you see it you say "WOW" John
uploaded some more globe color variations and the smaller globe on #148.. i agree, it looks more alive now with the green land portions. what do you think? thanks John =)
ok looking good but not to crazy about the green I'm looking to pick #138 could I see it with the words "international" in gray maybe in white as well John
thanks John! =) i've uploaded variations of #138 as per your request ...kindly let me know what you think.
...yes i also do office stationary and business cards. but as courtesy to other co-designers on the community, let's just close the contest first. we can talk about it after you select me as winner. have a great evening John!