I over looked #25 I would be very interested in this logo if you can send me some other styles of this same concept of design. I like the colors! Try spacing the frame out a bit and try more modern look. We are a fine jewelry retail store and would like to not only use our logo in advertising but also start a watch line with our logo. We are looking for a look that would match just about any jewelry design we manufacturer in the future.
Hello, I have a final request for entry 106 which is #4 in my rankings. I would like the two top filigree type designs to be removed and only keep the sides ones. I feel it will keep the eyes more on the logo part of the design. Thank you for your hard work
Hi During judging mode only ranked number 1 designer is allowed to submit new entries, i would like to upload a new entry based on your request but it can be possible only if you rank me as first place to get new entries from me, thanks.
Hi, thank you so much for your hard work you will be the winner for our logo. I just ranked you #1. Please remove the top design as we asked in the previous message. We plan to award you the design
I hope all is well with you. I need a pdf file for my logo, would you be able to send me a pdf file to my email? My email is victoriasjewels10@gmail.com