here is my entry. simple and memorable. i could put a person on the bike, but i thought it read better without. let me know if you have any improvements you'd like me to make on this. thanks.
i like the idea. i like the white writing colours, what is the flap bit on the bike? l prefer it without a person! Are you able to give me a few other font options?
that is just the bottom part of the 'I' - i kept it there because i wanted to make sure the name wasn't losing any readibility. if you would prefer i remove it, that is no problem. other fonts might be tricky because i chose this particular one because it lent itself to the correct shape of the bike tires.
the letter 'O' in many fonts isn't as round, so it would look weird if the bike tires were more squarish or too oval, if you understand what i mean....
please let me know your thoughts and thanks for the feedback.
here is another try - i removed the bottom of the I so the bike stands out more. also incased the logo in a chrome frame to give it an ornament feel...kind of like the logo.
let me know if there is anything else you'd like to see implemented in this logo or if there are other revisions you'd like to see. thanks.
No l like the bottom of the I! i think its the back end of the bike that looks like its a flap of some sort?? Could you please do me a big favour? Could l see the logo with the more of a circle shape around it as it and then another version with the letters straight on? Oh and l like it without the chrome edge but thanks for that option.
sure tanya. one question: is it the C (back tire) you aren't sure about or is it the top of the 'I' (top of the I is a seat)? not sure what you are referring to when you say 'flap'.
oh my, tanya, i just figured out what you meant by hte thing sticking off the back of the bike....all my entries up to this point were of an actual bicycle, not a stationary bike, so the 'tag' was the back axle point of the back tire ( the tires were the C and the O) :)
anyway, here is one that incorporates a stationary bike instead of an actual bike.