Hi... thanks for considering my designs for your contest. Please let me know if you would like to see any changes. You can message me here by leaving a comment or you can private message me through this website.
l think in a sea of blue and black it is simple and fresh and stands out. Keeping all the colours and the writing as is are you able to send couple of variations on the symbol? Maybe a version where it is more of a wheel and a version where there is a v and c making up the symbol somehow?
l really like your design. The contest has closed so lm not sure it you can make changes now?? Or if l choose yours if we can still make changes to get the perfect final result?? Do you know how it works?
l really do like the VC in the middle much better connecting then apart. l also like the one with the name going through the centre are you able to send that o what too please? lve sent it out to friends for feedback so l will see what their comments are and keep you posted! Good job!!
Can you please do one more change for me. Can you please add a little bit of orange to the symbol only? Not too much but maybe replace some of the pink with it? Can you then resend the first 4 versions with that added?
Thanks its a little too much orange l think are you able to replace every second orange ring back to pink? I have decided on the one without the VC in the centre so only need to send the one design through on the black and white please!