# Think Bigger and Bolder Font. Are you familiar with ULTRA Fest, Or EDC? Our logo will be next to the biggest names in the world. Also try and keep this in mind as well. If Vibonacci was sposored by Mcdonalds tomorrow, what would our Toy be? lol - Vibonacci
I'm familiar with those festivals i'm a DJ also :) Toy can be spirograph (just google it in the images) but that would mean i have to make some more new logos :D
We are pretty much all loving #109 . We want to see what the Spiral would look like in the place of the "O" if you can… So just shrink it down a bit . Thanks good work dude, Almost there. -Vibonacci
We all agree your design is the winner, 109 136 138 139 140 etc… Can you just do one version where the spiral is in the place of the O? and one that says "Vibonacci Music" as well… After we see those you will be selected winner. thanks again good job. -Vibonacci
Unfortunately i cant make the one that has the spiral in the place of O cause designer Logope claims that that is his original concept and i already have earned 20 violation points for posting those entries with that concept. The site requires just one final version in two files, one JPG and one EPS. All other files like Adobe Illustrator (original Ai file) i will send you through e mail when the contest is over and you confirm the two final files. Will post the Vibonacci music version as soon as i finish.