Vet EngagedLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Vet Engaged Vet Engaged has selected their winning logo design. For $475 they received 228 designs from 31 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Annotation Delete We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired. Save Cancel Entries by mikochiong14 Return to Contest Return to Contest Comment Activity Order by Ranking Entry Number Comment Activity To leave a comment please click on the logo. 1st 7 2nd Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. 1 Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. 4 Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. Comment Activity mikochiong14 commented on #214 Hi. Sorry for the late reply. Thank you so much for selecting my entry as the winner of your contest! I have uploaded the final file of the logo. If you have any concerns, just let me know. Thanks again. Miko 4 years ago Vet Engaged commented on #214 We are stuck between this one and the circle logo... 4 years ago Vet Engaged commented on #214 not really. You actually created the log that I like. I think I see what you are saying but it is not the same. 4 years ago mikochiong14 commented on #214 Hi. sorry but I had to remove #216 & #217 as the concept was already created by another designer. 4 years ago mikochiong14 commented on #214 Hi. I have uploaded the revision for this design. See #216 & #217. If you have other suggestions, Just Let me know. 4 years ago Vet Engaged commented on #214 I mean move it to the middle of the words. VetE”logo here”gaged 4 years ago Vet Engaged commented on #214 Could this logo replace the letter n? The bottom part looks a little like the n 4 years ago mikochiong14 commented on #131 Hi. Thanks for the feedback! I have uploaded the revisions for this logo. If you have other suggestions, just send me a message. 4 years ago Vet Engaged commented on #131 Keep the logo the same on left. Make VetEngaged Proper case Orange Vet Darker Gray Engaged We like the logo the way it is. 4 years ago Vet Engaged commented on #208 I don’t like the VE in the logo 4 years ago mikochiong14 commented on #131 Hi, Thank you for appreciating my work! I have uploaded some revision on the logo with different fonts and used some grey color. If you have other suggestions, just send me a message. 4 years ago Vet Engaged commented on #131 Can we see some different fonts? Also, I would like to see grey worked. 4 years ago
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Thanks again.
If you have other suggestions, Just Let me know.
VetE”logo here”gaged
Make VetEngaged
Proper case
Orange Vet
Darker Gray Engaged
We like the logo the way it is.
Thank you for appreciating my work! I have uploaded some revision on the logo with different fonts and used some grey color.
If you have other suggestions, just send me a message.