We really like how simple and clean your design is. We added an update to the brief just asking to see the trademarked logo for Ripoff Report incorporated into the logo. I tried to add a .jpg, but that didn't work out for me. I know you can use google images to find a .jpg version if that helps. What we want to see is how your design looks as it is, but with the red and black trademarked logo where you have the name Ripoff Report now. We would also love to see a few more designs, if possible. Keep the style as you have it, but would love to see some more ideas with the check mark. Maybe even using a V in the word Verified and incorporating the check into a design. Looking forward to seeing what you create!
It is better if we keep correspondence regarding my entries on the Logo Tournament site. There are rules about no outside contact during the contest.
I have some entries I did not get to submit before this contest hit judging mode. If you would like to see them, you would need to rotate me temporarily into the #1 rank so that I can submit them.
Please submit some samples using the same instructions as discussed and use the font style matching ripoff reports at www.ripoffreport.com for that section of the logo. Please comment back with questions!
I have designs ready for you, and cannot submit to your contest, because I have to be ranked among the top 5 since the contest is in Top 5 mode. If you can adjust my ranking I can submit the designs. Thanks.
We like the look but try some different variation/style/ everything. I know you are using my direction but take those colors and make different seal styles if you can. Try like a BBB look or something official looking. Also, we prefer the regular V as opposed to the check mark V