Hi... thanks for considering my designs for your contest. Please let me know if you would like to see any changes. You can message me here by leaving a comment or you can private message me through this website.
We generally like the clean text, but the monster is not quite what we're hoping for. If you could give us more options for that, we'd appreciate it. Thanks ~VM Team
#19 is very interesting. Not sure about the mouth on the carpet. Perhaps solo? or perhaps with a monster of some kind on the carpet? Thanks for your entries.
Any chance you could try placing an actual monster on the carpet (as opposed to making the carpet an actual monster)?
That statement is quite funny when you think about it :)
Sorry I missed the deadline for your contest. I had an appointment at the same time. I probably could of put a monster actually on the carpet. But then again that would take away from the brilliance of the red carpet monster :)
Thanks for considering my designs and best of luck with your venture!