I originally was had not though of pushing the "shopping aspect". I was try to be more generic as I am not even sure of the content that will eventually populate my vegas square website. But when I mention Vegas Square to someone, they all think shopping so why fight it. In that regard, I like the handle the shopping bag. Please add it to other versions for me to see. I am not sure I like the Vegas letter style. Can you try some alternatives for this and even the Square portion. Finally, on the box box or bag square shape, I like the though of the individual sections of it but I am having some prolbem with it it when viewed in a small shape. Bigger I like it, smaller, it seems too busy. I'm udecided what to say but if you have any ideas in this regard, please present them. Thanks, Jim
#50 is my favorite so far. I like its compactness (name on the bag keeps the logo compact rather words below the bag). Great idea. Can you play the font. Vegas is too run together for me and the thinnest parts of Square are too fine for me. Would rather have the whole thing a little bit more readable. Another possibility would be to outline Vegas in black.