Thanks for your submissions! Nice - its clean. What does it look like if the logo replaces the V in the text?
Few open concepts you might have a view on: - Variance is a custom element (think periodic table), that has some quality eg. can make all other elements - Clean font like in #51, but on the E, remove the middle stem of the E, and make it look like a slight wave disturbance on the inner side of the E, with a beed of water coming off similar to how water would act in space. Here was a quick paint version of my attempting to describe this with another logo:
Nice idea - drop flying out of the water instead of into it.
Maybe get rid of the V, and make the drop come out of the text in some way. Slight water look to a portion of the text.
Another general idea is a few ripple circles (maybe not concentric but slightly varied height), and the drop coming out. Might be a chance to use the negative space to have a V within in, but not critical.
Perhaps you could trial a few examples with orbs with different colors and positions, focusing on how the color will blend, the limits on size variations and whatever else you think is valuable.
I'll ultimately write the software for it, and generate different logos for different projects, following your design choices.
hello thank you very much for the feedback, excellent video quite inspiring, that is called a "living brand" changes according to the services or products. I created a proposal that fits your needs (#190 #191 #192 #193), I added some examples of using the logo (#194 #195 living brand), i hope you like it. wait your comments :)