can we see some more options? we like #16, but a little too simple, #17 is a little too nuevo. we want a bold and modern design and like the V and vantage being the focal point if that helps =)
Hi, thank you for your feedback. I'm continuing to work on some different concepts for you. I really enjoy trying to impart some meaning in a logo, as opposed to just making something that looks pretty. I've been thinking about the name Vantage, and the concept of the search for talent/job placement from a particular vantage point. I'm also imagining the V itself graphically as a sort of searchlight that illuminates whatever is within it's range. So here I've tried a very simple representation of that. The V extending outward and upward and within it's sights is that perfect professional or the perfect placement, represented by the diamond shape above. The entire design uses simple geometric shapes, which is perfect considering the mathematical connection to accounting and finance. Thanks!
In this entry, I've taken the last concept a step further, almost duplicating the shape in reverse to create a sort of square target, zeroing in on the right candidate for the job. Thanks!
#27 and #28....thanks for explaining your concept. it makes perfect sense and is what we were looking for! we initially wanted to name our firm vantage point search, but it was taken, so we compromised wanting to still keep that same concept. i love the concept and you very creative, we love that you incorporated that in your design. is there anyway that you could still keep that concept and vision and make it a little less geometric? the accounting piece isn't as important to us and we tend to lean more towards things that are a little less geometric and more transitional. i hope this helps. thank you for all of your hard work and your great vision, we appreciate it!
One more thing re: #27 and #28 even though they are more geometric, we are still very interested in them. i am waiting for my business partner to get back tomorrow, so i can get his input! again, we still like these even though i asked for a different spin on them. we may find that the original was right on target.
#17 don't take offense to this, great work, but not my taste. it's too retro for us. thought i would let you know to steer you in the right direction! thanks again, u r very talented =)
#29 I love this! my business partner (a male) may think it a bit feminine, can we see it in an earthy color as well. maybe a green? he may be more apt to agree with me, i personally love the red, but it may be a good compromise with him on this particular one =) i like how it says branching out and connecting at the same time....again, good work!
we love your designs...are you working on anything else for us or do you have anything else in mind? i havent heard back from are very creative and would love to see a few more =) ignore my comments above re: not liking the geometric design, etc. it's funny that now that we are nearing the end of the contest and we have had a chance to really look at different logo's and different concepts, you were nailing it and right all along...i am sorry! hah, this is why you are the artist and not us! hope to hear from you soon =)
Hi! I've been quite busy, but I plan to have some variations in the works for you tonight. What do you think of the wordmarks portions of my entries? I think the geometric feel to the icon coupled with the thin lettering strikes a nice balance between masculine and feminine.
No problem! Thank you! I think the portions are great and i also think you nailed the perfect balance in regards to masculine vs. feminine. I am a girly girl and my business partner is all boy if that says anything =) I also like that your designs are a good balance of modern and classic! We wanted something bold and modern, but not too trendy because we will have to look at it for a long time. i didnt want to pick something super trendy and look back and go, ughhh! i also like how you took everything a step further in your concepts and thought about our business, what we do, our audience and a unique design in keeping it bold, modern and still classic and not too trendy. i hope this helps. we are looking forward to seeing what else you come up with.
Hi, here are a few variations on the concept that you seem to like most from me. I've also tried some different color schemes since you said you were open. I thought you might like to see a little variety there, but if you like one of these new designs, but not the color scheme, just say the word and I'll make a switch! Thanks!
I really like #141 (especially with the two-tone V shape around the solid ball) and #142 (which to me seems rather simple, and yet, I don't think I've seen anything quite like it).
I love, love, love #141, but my business partner doesn't like the square, he prefers #16, which is one of his top 2. Can we see #16 in a few different versions and it could easily be my #1? i really like the simplicity of 16, but it is too plain for me. i am thinking he and i can definitely reach a compromise on this one if we can see it in a few different color schemes and most importantly if we can we get the V and circle bigger like the logos in 28 and 141. i am sorry to be such a pain, but we are down to the wire now and have to make a decision. let me know if you need anything else from me.