We like the way you have made the 'INC' vertical in all of them. If you are going to submit future logos please alter the colors beyond the orange & green.
#44 - The graphical aspect is too complex. It would be interesting if you could make a graphic with a reference to a stock price chart.
We like #47 & #59 for the following reasons: - The graphic V pattern looks like a bulls-eye which can be interpreted as a sign of accuracy. - The circular aspect of the graphic. Our company is mathematical and discrete, and while a circle can mathematical, it is continuous and simple. It's a nice contrast
If you can do some touch-ups we would like to see the following: - Use relatively more white space in between adjacent V's (in the graphic); - Make the V's in the graphic more slender. The graphic as it stands now has relatively short, stubby V's. - Show some configurations using the graphic only; - Show some different color combinations than you have in prior designs.
In terms of the colors, why did you choose the color patterns that you did? Can you bring us through your thought process a bit.
Hi. Please Show some options that include the following: - Move the object Underneath the words Valuation Metrics; to the front of the words Valuation Metrics; have the Vs replace the letter O in Valuation
- We would like to see the following color options: Incorporate purple to replace the black and grey – Entry 231 is high on our list • Thickness of the V o We like the thinner less squat V and will ask for a couple of different options from the designer
Sorry, thissent before teh final edits were done ;)
Please show some thickness options for the V: something even thinner than Entry 232; and also an option with a little more thickness than entry #232
Also, what is the font you are using? We like the fant you are using. It was suggested to us to see a version in San-Serif. Can you show us the logo in Sans-Serif as well?
We are very close to a decision and your design is very high on our list.
We like the font, object placement and width of logo 251. Please show us additional color combinations including: - deep yellow and purple - different shades of purple and grey including same purple as #251 with the grey from #230 - blue and green - any other combinations you feel would be attractive