Instead of water drop, can you please use some kind of fruit instead? We are not sure what flavor we will be producing yet but one of it will be mix-berry.
We intend to have many flavors. Orange will be one of it but our logo cannot contain only orange, which might misled people to think of us as having only orange flavor. Logo with orange would look strange in strawberry flavor bottle for example. Please try to make it more fruity but not specific to orange.
We intend to have many flavors. Orange will be one of it but our logo cannot contain only orange, which might misled people to think of us as having only orange flavor. Logo with orange would look strange in strawberry flavor bottle for example. Please try to make it more fruity but not specific to orange.
We intend to have many flavors. Orange will be one of it but our logo cannot contain only orange, which might misled people to think of us as having only orange flavor. Logo with orange would look strange in strawberry flavor bottle for example. Please try to make it more fruity but not specific to orange.
logo 8 thanks for the feedback. forget about the has now become a water swirl. The leaves are hints that your product comes from diff. fruit flavors.