We like your #50. However, having specific fruit as it is, will lead people to think of us as having such flavors, while in fact, for example, we don't intent to have purple grape flavor. The colors of the fruits is a nice touch but we prefer it to be more abstract, maybe in the form of dot, line or some shape, that do not refer to any particular fruit.
A little bit more experiment with #56. We need a blue berry purple dot in there. Please try to replace the yellow or pink with purple. Please also try to widen the gap between VW, as it is now, somehow, it remind us of Sony's Vaio logo.
We like your #56 but it reminded too many people of Sony's Vaio. We hope you will find a way to get around this. Maybe a steeper/taller letters or something, I'm not sure how. Please work on this design but move it away from Vaio.
Please don't embed VWATER in VW logo and please make it more explicits, may be just put it under VW just like in #7 and then put the slogan using font in #59 underneath it.
Can you please try different shade of blue on the V and W. As of now, some people still can't comprehend that it is V and W but they just see the wave.