Please take the icon to the left and remove the right side star and large blue line design, the icon seems to be better by using the "interstate" sign there with a black line around it, also try putting the "US" within the interstate icon and without.
We were talking within the office and could you somehow take the "interstate" icon and make it the "U" in US, and make the "S" large to cover both the Public and Safety part and put, Gear underneth like you have it.
We love design #15 but think you can tweak it to do this, any other designs you may think along those lines would be great.
My feedbacks #74 the interestatate icon include in the U #76 playing with the desing i was create this emblem and it is like S.O.S #76 simple and clear
if you need a efect in 3d u other efect please let me know