I don't mind the direction of #25 and #26 but think the boxes look a bit cheap. If you can make the design look more classy it would be better. The boxes around the letter look a bit too basic and plain. I would like it to look fun like this but classy at the same time.
I like the direction of #20 but again it looks to basic. I know you've tried to great a 3D style app effect with the shadow but it doesn't work for me. It doesn't feel 3D or expensive. I need the logo to have an element of class and to it as I need to attract a dignified customer as well.
Can you please do more with #25 and #26. I like the direction but think the font needs to be a little more classy and the boxes in the background need to look more expensive and elegant.
I would like the design too look a little less bubbly and more expensive and desirable.
With design #41 can you have a go and finding a font that is a little more classy looking. I quite like this concept and how you've done the speech bubbles but would like to see an option where the wording is a little more elegant.
Can you please do a logo that sits in between #21 and #29. I want the logo to be a little more 3D than #21 but not quite as bubbly at #29. Maybe if you take the lighter area off #29 it will keep a 3D feel but not quite as glossy and prominent.