Yes. The profile picture, and the banner size for the background of the image. I would pull it up and show you but I'm in Shenzhen, China for work and social media is forbidden within this region.
This format will be for the online business page. Feel free to email me whenever you need to. I would have responsed via email but there are difficulties with my outgoing mail. Your are welcome to email me still. I imagine the technical difficulties come from non Google access here, please bare with my communication delima
Congratulations! I have chosen you as the winner.. The design I choose rank in number will be the leading logo. Can I have them in all the formats I asked you previously. Also, in the future can I use the 4th through 10th place. Those are good color scheme and I may or may not have a place for them.. All I'd ask is that they mirror the look of the number 1 in structure and design. The only difference will be the color scheme. Up to you
Ok cool... I like the color can you show me another with just the black & and white & grey.. also, if I choose you, can you have the logo is different format like j peg, translucent, Facebook big/small format
Yes. It looks nice.. try & two tone the outside.. instead of that purple cirle maybe grey like the color you used in the other emblem you did before you added the circle.. also write USOM long form on the side of the logo. I'm trying to have it in peices as I'll be dealing with many different products. This emblem may not look right appearing on speaker but the name USOM will associate with this label
Check slot five and see the cirle, using this emblem in it's entirety try to create a back drop for it in a circle. We'd like to see how that look. Please don't change anything to structure of what you've already presented. Only color schemes play with that
This is good but this a lot of ink. Find a way for the base to be black and white and a trim be hint of maybe another color. Look at how rank 2 has the emblem with less ink.. Try that in your own way
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Yes. The profile picture, and the banner size for the background of the image. I would pull it up and show you but I'm in Shenzhen, China for work and social media is forbidden within this region.
This format will be for the online business page. Feel free to email me whenever you need to. I would have responsed via email but there are difficulties with my outgoing mail. Your are welcome to email me still. I imagine the technical difficulties come from non Google access here, please bare with my communication delima
I 'll try to make something without the head if possible.
I'll send some revisions as soon as possible:-)