Thanks for submitting your great designs; we like them very much. For entry #101, could you make a change to the word "corporation" so that the letters are placed closer to each other; also we prefer the letters in this word capitalized (see No.1 ranking for reference). Thanks and look forward to seeing your revision soon.
It turns out that we prefer #2 entry to #110 - "CORPORATION" in #110 looks too big to us. Let's revert to #2 but with the following changes - (1) make the word "corporation" all capitalized letters (2) place the texts to the right of the icon (see #48 for reference) (3) make a shadow of the icon underneath itself (see #48)
In addition to these revisions, we'd like to see another design incorporating all the 3 changes above, plus the change to the text colors - apply the blue color of the icon to the word "unimex", and apply the silver color of the icon to the word "CORPORATION".