Sure, is it like #113?
Meanwhile you still not rank any design yet, and i already used all my 7 available upload slots.
Once you rank design, the designer will have unlimited upload slots.
Please check #113
meanwhile i already used all my 7 logo slots.
because unranked designers can only upload 7 logo designs in a contest.
You can start rank designs to give unlimited slots to designers. Thanks :)
Comment Activity
Meanwhile you still not rank any design yet, and i already used all my 7 available upload slots.
Once you rank design, the designer will have unlimited upload slots.
Can you make the car sportier?
meanwhile you can check #113
meanwhile i already used all my 7 logo slots.
because unranked designers can only upload 7 logo designs in a contest.
You can start rank designs to give unlimited slots to designers. Thanks :)