Thanks for joining my tournament really appreciate it alot
I like your designs very different to the rest :)
Need a few things done to a couple of them
#168 can u change ultra into a lower case type of writing similar to the other designs keep the Fitt as the same main feature as i like what u have done there.... Maybe try it in the same colours as #172
#166 on the F can you remover the to Dots please and use the same colour as #172 and have the semi circle as maybe red or try it in white aswell
#166 the T love that can yo leave more room between the i and the t please
Hope to see the new versions before the end of tournament
Ok, I'll provide it. But please, place me on 1st rank for a while in order to submit that request...because of only designer in 1st position that allowed to submit new entry during this 'judging mode'