#5 interesting design element with the hinted microphones, but difficult to read as "m" #6 The 3 "microphones" don't look like an abstracted microphone, and the font is to stark, especially the look of the "m". We like the idea of an abstracted microphone or array of them close to the word "Ultimo"
#10 overall a good idea with the microphone preceding the name of the company. However, the overall look is old-fashioned: the microphone is the shape of the 1940's (this model by the way used for jazz and singers), and the word "productions" is of an old era font. Too busy altogether.
#10 let me comment more: please look at www.neumann.com for microphone shapes which are relevant, e.g. M149 or M150 etc. The idea of the cable connecting the microphone and words including "connection" with a line ending with a plug is good. However, the proportions are imbalanced. How about "ULTIMO" the largest font size, "Productions" the same font, but smaller, and "a classical connections" with same font, but smaller and no capital letters. We used a font where the "L" is rounded at the buttom, but we don't remember that font. There should also be a hint of classical music in the design, perhaps a conductor's baton, an abstracted score, an abstracted outline of a violin/cello/horn/piano, just something to separate the logo from a business which might record anything but classical music.
#23: I really like this design. I would like you to go further with the concept: all microphones have a mesh/screen top, can you indicate that, at least partially? Also, you made a design for Gawine Wine Tours where you present the logo with shading. Perhaps that would help for our logo? Finally, the word "Productions" should be not longer than "Ultimo", rather shorter or equal length. Thanks for your contributions!
thanks for your great rank and feedback, I'm really glad that you love the logo which I've made for you. If there's anything else I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask. how about my new entry? hope you like it.
#30, #33, #34: I really like those! I prefer them over the version with the star (too much!). I don't see the difference between those 3 versions. In any case, the "a classical connection" is difficult to read: can you do it without shading and almost white, like a lite grey matching the remainder?
#46: Really nice! Thank you, you are quite artistic and prompt. In this version, the shading within the word "Ultimo" and other text is not necessary (it might not show up properly in print anyway). However, the mirrored image below the microphone is nice to have.
thanks for your great rank and feedback, I'm really glad that you love the logo which I've made for you. if you would like to see a modifications please ask, tweaks are no problem to implement. this is the logo that has no shading, and a new layout that is more balanced. regarding the shade microphone, in fact I get inspiration from your site, hope you like it.
thanks for your great rank for my entries till judging period. if you would like to see a modifications please ask, i will try as best as i can for you.