Dear CH, I have revised the designs... You can leave a private feedback by clicking on a design.. This will make some improvement for us designer.. So, Please feel free to comment or ask. Thanks
Dear CH, please understand that a designer can protect the element of a design. In this case, the text layout of almost logo submitted was my layout and this is protectable and designer community and LT admin will support this rule... I saw that your top rank is using my text layout. You can ask me to delete the icon and leave the only name text... I'm sorry for this inconvenience...
We posted a comment in the "general area" of our contest about this isssue. We are sorry that this happened and we were not aware of these types of issues going on. We are just trying to get a logo for our company. We appreciate your hard work so far. We like the color schemes in the #1 and #1 position--the blue color gradient for "Student Success".
Dear CH, I'm sorry about the things happened. I just tried to protect my concept as an element of a design. Logotournament suggested any designer to protect his/her style, except the generic one... I really sorry about this. best, oz
Hi Logoz...we understand. No problem. Thank you for all your great work! You will definitely be somewhere in the top 3. We need to finalize our options. thank you!