Hello!! About entry #55 i think i will have to erase it because othe designer is complaining that i copied to him as you can see on LogoCourt.
I was wondering, how about another "icon" that represents what you need. I thing there are many other things that just the "tags", so what do you like to see??
Sure, doesnt need to be a tag. maybe some other way to show the UDC abreviation??? inside a diamond? whatever you think would look nice. your tag inside the circle was excellent! but..... It's just nice to have the UDC somewhere. Have to go to sleep, but will look at your new ideas in the morning! thanks!
So, there's no way to get your 55 back on with the changes (larger fonts, and larger circle withthehtag in it, the shadow, etc..)? not sure how the logo court works? if not, look forward to your new thoughts, thanks and till tomorrow!
Here are new entries with the circle, diamonds and other shapes. I like the idea of #70 or #71 because if you use a card as your "icon" you are saying to your target audience: "You can be part of this club", "You will have excellent price on productos / services". I think this is a better idea of communicate quality and luxury.
So i hope you like them and if you need anything just tell me.