Hi. I wanted the symbol to relate to an abstract image somehow which reminds the half of a book or pages so to say that are getting flipped. Your feedback(s) are appreciated. Thank you. Mustafa
Hi, I tried quill pen on this one. I am not sure about the location of it thou. If you like it please let me know so that I can play with it to see some other variations. I will summit another one soon to give you an idea about where the whole thing is leading. I appreciate your feedbacks. Thank you.
Hi, thanks for the new enties. Maybe a more modern pen would work better? We think the quill is a little old fashioned, but we do like the simple illustrate style you've used.
I agree. It doesnt matter how much you try it still gives that old fashion impression. With this one here I am sending I was trying to incorparate a modern pen together with some papers (essays) in a simplest way possible. Thank you. Mustafa
Thank you for all your hard work and creative ideas, I like #34 it's a good combination of an essay and a pen, I just think maybe the pen nib needs to be more defined/clear.
Your contest is my first here and if what they are saying there is true then no need for me to try more on your contest because I have no chance of winning even if you want as a CH.
Before it gets so discouraging could you please enlighten me on this subject?
Hi, Thank you very much for your kind attention to my previous message. I realy appreciated. Here is the revised version of #34 (more defined pen nib) as you requested. Please feel free to ask for any change, tweak, modifications and so forth. It will be my pleasure to do it. Thank you. Mustafa
About the symbol, the burgundy parts are the pages of two books facing opposite ways and the white rectangular part in the middle is the essay page coming out of them :) Thank you.