Here are my initial logo concepts for your website and company. As you can see, the entire logo would work great as a header and title on pages, materials, etc. The essay page logomark is bold enough to stand on its own as a bulllet or icon throughout your site.
Colors and layout can be easily changed, per your requests. Let me know if you would like to see further changes or refinements done, and I will be happy to provide.
Here is one where the one essay is called out in gold, making the icon a visual representation of the functionality of your website. (People can come, get the perfect customized essay for them, and then take it. Thus, resulting in a great grade or "gold")
Hello, Just checking in before the contest winds down to see if there are any additional color options you would like to see before making any final decisions. And just so you are aware: you can still work with your first place designer during judging mode, if needed.