I like this as an overall concept, but would like to see something a little more raw or something with a more urban feel. This logo is a little too neat and tidy. I'd also like to see some examples that include images that invoke the idea of a roadside produce stand--somehow combining the country feel of a roadside produce stand with the urban environment.
Regarding entry #19: this one definitely has more of the market feel to it! It's a little too cute for my tastes though. Still looking for something that's a little more raw and grungy. Not crazy about the red color...maybe an earthy orange shade?
#23 This one is really capturing the feel a lot closer. Any way to incorporate an actual produce stand with produce in the logo? Something like the cart image you were developing (small cart with umbrella)?
#47 is your best yet. Contrasting colors for Ujima and Market would be nice. Consider a font that is sill grungy like the one you currently use, but a little less blocky.