We all really liked #71. But we had a couple of things that we wanted to see changed/added. Can you make the people look less like blocks so it has more of a human figure. Can you also add "U.S. Service Center" next to the emblem like #72 but please keep the font type like what you used inside the circle of #71. We like that type of font where it's not like blocks.
Thank you. We will look at it again as soon as you submit it. Thank you!
Hi there. Thanks for the feedbacks and current ranking. See current submissions for revisions per requested. Hope you like it. Any changes required, please let me know.
Entry #109 is good. But the color that is yellowish green on the inside of the circle, can you change it to a different color? I don't know what color but can you see what would look good? Is there any other style of "people" you have?
We like the gray on entry #114 but we are still debating on the body forms. If you have any other human figures, please let us see. Thank you for all your time and energy into this. We greatly appreciate it.
Thanks for your quick reply. Can we see 124 & 125 with U.S. Service center next to it? Yellow looks good but is there a lighter yellow that is like gold?