My apologise for late reply. Submitted new entry base on your request. I try to use blue and grey colours on revisions. please let me know if you have any request.
can you try move the "t" down so the leg comes below the "w" and the top of the t is more in the middle of the w? Trying to make the t look more dominant. Not sure maybe you have another way to make the "t y"a little different, it is very good i think it just needs a little more. If the t was a little more dominant than the w would maybe look better. Maybe try the t to be slightly "thicker" so it pops out a bit more. Its almost there!!
on entry 132 please try brin the leg of the t down through the w. also on 132 please show a different way where the little bit of white lines between the t and w are a little wider so the 2 letters are more defined
After I check once again, your request has been design as there are other companies that are similar to use. So why do I make different designs for you.
the one that was in first place can you add the grid to it like #137 so it doesnt need to be removed from the competion? entry 137 please change the slogan to be like #66 any other ideas so that the ones that i liked can be altered slightly so that i dont have to remove them?
rank #1 try in a couple different fonts please, are you able to put on the one that was ranked #1 and removed back up on line so i can see it for ideas?
Very happy with logo and font of 'tyee windows' Last request: would like to see the slogan 'bold' - darker and thicker, like #144 (ranked 3rd) and also in a font like #85 (ranked 25th) in bock and darker