I was trying to minimize the graphics and maximize the name with this logo. I also tried to put some emphasis on the "two" element - in this instance the two Os joined together to make the strong root. I don't think legibility is an issue, 1)because the shape alone READS as two "O" and 2) because the word is reinforced by the unmistakable image of the root. (For instance, if you were to write SE7EN - you read it as "seven"). The two leafs also underline the "two" element - they also hold/balance the "TWO THE" aspect.
Overall, I think a strong, simple & clever mark would maybe work better in your case because it seems like you may be working alongside other entities. You would want a solid, unified mark that would work well at all sizes and limited colors - it's with that in mind that I developed this logo. Colors are always adjustable - if there's anything you'd like to see changed, please let me know. Thanks for your time & consideration of my work! :)
Great work Josh. Love the clever design - unique and incorporates details of our partnership and business philosophy. I want to experiment with the colors a bit. The green is a great shade. My favorite is #17 right now but I know we were hoping for some vibrant color. I also like #16. Maybe try a hint of burnt orange or a darker, brighter turquoise. Let me absorb it a bit more and I might have more comments. Thanks for your time and energy (SH)
Josh, thank you for such a thoughtful and intelligent design. I love the O's and the root. I agree with SH regarding the colors. Maybe a burnt orange background with purple TWO the and green ROOT. Just an idea. I really like the tight square concept with rounded ideas. I think this is what we're going for. A nice, stamp-like (to use your reference) look that easily recognizable without the need for a lot of reading or interpretation. The more I write about it, the more I really like it. Also, could TWO be a little smaller than ROOT--can we play with the sizes of the words a little? I think we're on to something! Thanks for your work. (AH)
Thank you for the feedback and kind words! :) Here are some revisions based on both of your suggestions. Just so you know, I typically include a single color/black&white version with the full color version (some other designers on LT may do that as well)
If there are any other variations/tweaks you'd like to see, just let me know!
Here's a circle format - thought it might tie the lie together to repeat the circle from the "OO"s...BUT - it doesn't fit the overall letter shape as nicely...just wanted to see what you all thought.
Thanks Josh. I really like the new colors. #21 incorporates our color choices nicely. I would like to see the color scheme in #21 with the circle (like #24). I would also like to see a black and white logo similar to #17 (black substituted for the green). I am also curious what the circle or square design would look like with a white background and color text and some type of color border/line to hold it together. Might be awful... Thank you for your attention to detail :) (SH)
I love #20! What about that color scheme in a circle as well? Number 21 is also great. I'm a big fan of the rounded-off square. I really like the background filled in. The black and white also looks really great--thank you for including this in your entries. Thanks again for all your work! (AH)
Thanks for the changes Josh! I like it. Okay, what about adding a little more with the leaf idea and less of the "THE" ? An idea: TWO and THE next to one another, the root comes up between the two words and becomes a small tree/sprout above TWO and THE. Thank you for being so involved! It's great!
here are some variations on the "TWO THE" on the same line with a sprout. I tried it with a tree, but in order for it to look right, the tree had to be larger - at which point you lose the impact of the text/brand and it becomes another logo with a tree. It'd be cool if you started with a root (or a sprout) and as years progressed (and your brand gains notoriety), the plant could grow! That might be a little too conceptual for corporate branding, though - hahaha. The OTHER reason I like the sprouted leaves over a tree is the repetition of "two" and that you two are the leaves. Those are just my thoughts, though - it's what you all think that matters! :)
I also put the "the" in lowercase...in case that was the issue.
Hi Josh - I am having trouble with our color choices. I have a few ideas...
COLORS In design #35 could we try 1. a chocolate brown background with green font (Similar to green in #17) 2. a chocolate brown background with a deep red font 3. a vibrant orange background with a lighter orange font 4. a vibrant orange background with a deep red font
FONTS I am interested in seeing a strong, but a little softer and curvy font for the TWO THE. A variation would be a lower case 'the'
LAYOUT Similar to #33 do you have any ideas for a horizontal line of text in a box with the sprout popping through the box...sorry if that is not clear. I am interested in a horizontal layout. Maybe our tag line could run across the top - Specialty Wellness Products <sprout> for the Whole Family ???Thank you(SH)
S--I love your suggestions. I, too, was feeling that the colors weren't clicking. I really like your idea of sticking with a horizontal design, the sprout popping up and adding the tag line. I like the idea of dark orange background with lighter orange wording. Josh, thanks for these great designs. (AH)
here are some revisions...not EXACTLY sure if I have it the way you have in mind. If not, just let me know what you'd like to see tweaked and I'll try and get it there :)
also - I tried dark red on chocolate brown, but it's really hard to see because they both have the same tone and similar hues. If you still want to see it (to see what I'm talking about) let me know.
These look great. Can we try #40 with Two the Root in the light orange and leave the root, sprout and tagline in green? Don't know how it will look but I'd like to bring a third color in. I really love this design. Thank you for all your time! (AH)
I like it, but I really like the red on orange.(#42) Can we try that? Red writing on orange background, with green root, green sprout, green tagline? Thank you thank you. :) (AH)
#50 is great. I would like to play with it a bit more.
FONT - For 'Two the' can we make the letter width a bit thinner? Similar to the width used for ROOT. - For the tagline can we try a medium shade of gray
FILL BOX - Can we try a thin green line around the outside - same color as the sprout?
IMAGE - Can we make the sprout stem a tiny bit shorter (although I think it is depicted accurately).
Thanks for all of your work Josh. it is great to collaborate with you! (SH)
Hey S - I'll have these changes in a little while. Also - just so you know - when the contest period is over and it goes in to "judging mode" the #1 ranked designer can continue to make/submit revisions...just so you didn't think you had to extend the contest. :)
Hi! Here are the changes (gray tagline and thinner font) with and without the line, as well as another entry with another different font in white. Oh...I made the sprout smaller too. Thanks again! Anything else yu want to see, just let me know. :)
Thanks for the info below - I was wondering aboout this piece of the contest (SH)
(Also - just so you know - when the contest period is over and it goes in to "judging mode" the #1 ranked designer can continue to make/submit revisions...just so you didn't think you had to extend the contest. :)
Josh - #55 is great! The shorter sprout works well. I like the gray tagline. I like the green line around the outside - but could go either way.
FONT STYLE I like the font style in #50 - can we use this same font style but make it a little less chunky?
FILL COLOR - Just for comparison can we see a different shade of orange for the background? Slightly less bright. I like what we have but want to compare it with something else.
OVERALL DESIGN - Can we see it in B&W with a green spout and a green tagline? The same green you used in #55 - and a B&W with a white sprout and white tagline
Here are the b&w with green and b&w. On the straight b&w, you asked for white sprout and tagline - but that wouldn't show up? Did you mean black, or did you want to see it on a black background (reversed out) ?
Sorry for the confusion. #60 is great. And your interpretation was correct about the black and white.
COLOR VARIATIONS 1. Can we see #60 in a medium gray instead of black with a gray line around the outside? 2. and #60 in a solid green with a green line around the outside? Same color as #17
LINE 1. Can we see #60 with a black line around the outside?
FONT I like the #60 font style. Could we see a few more variations for 'Two the" that are a little thinner? Maybe half the current width? Straight or curvy...
Here are the changes. The last 3 (#s 64/65/66) are the current font made slimmer (really is thin as I could get it without losing pieces) and a couple other font variations. :)
2. Can we also see #66 in medium gray fill with a gray tagline (same font as #66)?
3. For #65 can you move 'Two' and 'the' a little closer together? There seems to be an extra space
AH - any other thoughts on the font. I like them all.
Josh - Is #66 the original font you started with only thinner? Any thoughts or ideas you want to mention about our overall direction? Coming full circle :) Thanks for your patience...
Here are the 3 variations. yep - the font is the same font but thinner. The 4th variation is a liiiiiitttttle thicker - it's the "book" version instead of the "light" version. After submitting that light version of "Two the" it looked a little right-side heavy. The script fonts looked balanced, just that san serif font was a little TOO light weight (in my opinion) Thanks - anything else you want to see, just let me know. Not a problem at all. I love having a logo client that's this involved - it really makes things a lot easier!
Hey A & S - here are the variations. I also added a darker green (the seeds kinda felt washed out in the lighter green - might just be my monitor, though) I'll be away from my desk for a while (until early this afternoon) but we can still tweak things in "judging mode", if there's something else you want to try.
Thank you Josh! I love the lower case look. Can't wait to see what S has to say. With the all caps "TWO THE"--can we try a smaller font? Seems a little big as it is.
Thanks S :) Here's an entry with the upper case TWO THE in smaller size. I had it larger to match the height of root - I tried a narrower font, but it just looks squeezed together and made it hard to read. SO - I dropped the size and centered it to occupy the space a little more evenly (without making too much empty space)
We have a house showing this evening, so I'm kinda back and forth from my office to cleaning/yard work - so if you don't hear from me right away I'll probably be by in a while :) Thanks again! josh