Entry #2 - I really like the idea of one pear within another but not 100% sold as is. Also, maybe try a few more fonts (slightly less round but clean and looking possibly?). Also we'd prefer a different color... not green on green, possibly black. Can we se the inside pear at a few different angles possibly? also an idea... for the inside pear.. i noticed it doesn't have a second leaf.. can you make the second leaf white for the very small bit that it is still in the green of the bigger pear then as it leaves the outline of that pear turn it into the same green color.. that seems like it would be a cool contrast.
Entry #2 - Also, would it be possible to see a few ideas with "Two-Pears.com" written along the left side of the bigger pear ? Not sure it would work but would like to see that.. I'm guessing the pear will have to be a bit bigger with no text underneath. Thanks so much!
Can we please see few more variations of this concept , different colours , change font , put .com on the side of pears ..... pears at an angel , small steam then leaves coming out of pear ????? just some ideas
newly added #70 about the fonts, do you have preferance about it? maybe you can open www.dafont.com, and tell me which font that you want for the logo :)
#3 is our top choice at the moment... we like how iconic it is and simple... maybe can try with slightly darker outside color than a light green inside maybe with a very very thin black outline. Also if you could try with a few of the fonts i sent that would be amazing.
Thankyou, i just uploaded some revised version as requested.
my concern in creating these logos are to make the logo says two (pears) in some ways and still say the same (2 pears) even when the logos come in one color only (like in entries #88 and #89) in my opinion entries #2 and #70 show those 2 pears in a clever, simple and clean graphic.
sure, please check entries #128 and #129 about the color, can you mention what color do you want please?, you can tell me the code by open this page : http://pantonecolors.org/