Hello, Thanks for the entry... I like the green earth. I would like to see it a little smaller. The septic tank looks good. The font for the name needs to be thicker and I would like to see it curve over the top of the logo. As far as the men.... I would like to see them more lifelike (macho working men with a little muscle).
You’re on the right track... Could you shrink the earth a couple sizes smaller. Have the men stand straighter instead of with a lean. Have their arms folded with nothing in their hands. Lose the light blue pocket and belt on the coveralls. You can add a couple of small pockets on the top of the coveralls that are the same color as the coveralls. Change the color of the coveralls and hat to a brown color and make the bottom of the coveralls not so tight (a little loser). You can place the coveralls over the boots (not tucked in). I would like to see the name Stand out a little more and the slogan.