We like the design, the colors and contrast and nice, and the idea of the moon too, but there's something with the moon that doesn't fit quite well, maybe size, position, orientation... Could you make some variations with all lowercase? or only capital N.
The other one would be almost perfect if our name was "twinight", if you could make something similar you did with the G and the moon, it would be perfect, because the mix now is not as "smooth" as with the G.
we like the colors from #58 but maybe the font is too thin and therefore looks more serious the thicker font from #126 is good, but we prefer a smoother gradient #130 is interesting, but the 'w' looks like 'ue'.
Could you upload #58 with all lowercase and the same background as the rest?
Also from #131 the white-gray gradient would look better if it was more white than gray. Something like the colors from #58.
from #6 the font type is good, looks less serious, but the moon doesn't fit very well, and maybe looks better twi on white, nite on blue, moon on white.
Good work, we are hesitating between this design and the current first one, is very close.