This logo is clean, and professional. I like the typeface you used. It looks like something that an insurance company would use, which is what I was hoping for. Thanks. I can see what you were trying for, on the left. But I would like to see what it looks like behind the company name, somewhere. Instead of by its self?
Thanks for the effort! I would like to see your "shield", look a little bit more like a shield. Insurance is "protection". Protection from loss. So the shield symbolizes protection. I like the way that you depicted the water falls very well! And your font choice is also very good, in my opinion.
Sebastian: Would it be possible for you to make any modifications to your shield? I really like the rest of the logo. But I would enjoy seeing your avatar for the company look a bit different? Thanks!
Ok.. You are almost there. Please make your shield look similar to the one that I uploaded. (The hand drawn one). (I also like the #40 shield, but it would not be fair to take elements from his work and incorporate them into yours). I really LIKE the shield in between the words Twin and Falls... We want to see if you can blend the transition between the colors in the shield. This logo needs to be reproduce-able in black and white, (for fax's, etc)... Looks like you are in the front, Sebastian... Thanks.. Scott___________
Sebastian. Looks like I am going to select you as the winner... I need revisions prior to awarding the prize to you. Here goes: 1) I like the shield (with the edge around it) from the other entry in #86... The top edge is a bit softer, than the top part of the shield in #66.. 2) Ines (my partner) says that we want a 2d instead of a 3d shield, for embroidery purposes. 3) We want to see what lines would look like (as in #54)... We think that it looks strong.
Sebastian: I have GOT to have these changes TODAY. I have a very important deadline that has to be met for my Yellow Pages ads. You can email me these revisions to (.jpg, low resolution). I will award you the winner AS SOON as these are finished, and emailed to me. After I award you the winner, I will need the files in .jpg, high resolution, .eps, .ai and a .pdf If you can, we would also like a .psd.