#118 #119 the character of the tv as a guardian angel is both friendly and gives a sense of safety. The design works on both black and white and can be used in either a horizontal or vertical layout. #120 #121
#122 #123 is to show that the design also works in a single color application such as use on tv sets/ cable boxes / fax machines / invoices, etc.
#124 is Blip as a standalone icon that can be used throughout your website or other marketing collateral.
#125 makes use of slight gradients and highlights for a web 2.0 feel.
hey, we like 135! very much. just haven't had a chance to rank them all yet. will do so tonight and this is a leader. Suggested improvements; make the tv angel and wording all a bit bigger, clearer, easier to read. Thanks!
Oh, there we go. I'm just, like 90% liking that typestyle. Not required that you change, but if you have something a little less fat, maybe? Thanks! This is my favorite so far.
Hi! I'm liking 160, but our CEO is insisting on 132, which I REALLY don't like. Would you be willing to retool the angel a bit and give us an alternate version or two of it? In other words, I like the angel, so it would be great to have two or three versions of it to present for the final vote. Maybe one direction would be cuter? Another direction would be more professional? Thanks for giving it a shot!
Good news and bad! Good: We took a vote on facebook and yours won! Bad: Our CEO wants something more professional and doesn't want to use it yet Not so good: Your latest desisgn went in the wrong direction--I wasn't after cuter, I was after more professional. Better: I like the wording on your latest submission. Good news: I think if we can get something cool and professional, you're the winner. Can you please try again? We plan on selling millions of units. We don't want something that looks kiddie-like or cartoon-like. We want likeable but professional. Looking at my notes, I see I did ask for a cuter version and a more professional version. What we really need now is a cleaner, more professional version. Please try! Thank yoU!
Okay, contest is over, and here's where you can see the results of our poll. I think you'll find them encouraging! And you were my #1 pick, too. Challenge is, I don't think we're ready to go with this as the final, and I was frustrated that we didn't get enough versions to choose from. I don't know the exact rules of LogoTournament, but I could really use to see a version I can get my CEO to go with. And I did ask for such a version (the simple, professional one) during the contest.
So would it be possible for you to submit something like we're after? Thank you so much--I'm really rooting for the angel to win and actually be used by us on millions of units, but we're not there yet!
Thank you for understanding and doing what you can,
Okay, it's in first place now! I like how it works well in black and white, too. Here's a few pointers: Try rounding the corners of the box just a bit, to look like a TV Try lightening the blue just a bit, so it stands out better on the black Please remove the TM mark from the "The Foul Language Filter" Really, really like this one!
Final changes before vote--thanks for bearing with me! 233: Reduce the blue TV and put the halo above the blue TV 234: Angle the loop, bring it down a bit, and try one version with the loop in gold 235: Reduce the halo a bit, closer to 141, but not quite that thin
Waiting for those last changes! Our CEO still likes the TV with hands done by another competitor, but it came in last in the facebook vote. Anyway, please provide what you can. Thank you so much! Britt
Polishing #1 (245): Halo SLIGHTLY less thick TVG: We like the TVG from 239, where there's a thin line between the TV and the G Can the TV be a TINY bit taller? It'd be nice if the tagline doesn't hang below Thanks so much! You've really been a trooper, putting up with all these changes.
Good news! The CEO is coming around. See http://tvguardian.intuitwebsites.com/dishnetwork.html for a look. Would you like to take a stab at that style? Otherwise, he was wondering what the color code for the blue you used was.
You're being so great to work with! Thank you again. I like what we had with 249, let's just massage it to get the best of all worlds... Add the base to the TV of 249, balance the TVG within the TV, have the tagline even with the base.
I like the TV better with this one. Could he do this with a white TVG and a gold halo hanging on the right corner? Add the base, too. Like one with the sky opening and one without it. THE FOUL LANGUAGE FILTER needs to be bigger, like on the website one. The halo is so big that it looks like a ring. If it were a little smaller and gold, but still looped over the right corner, it might more closely resemble a halo.
I really only like the TV better on this over the one I put on the web.
Hi! 249 and 241 are my favorites, but when we enlarge them just a bit they get very fuzzy. Any way for you to send higher resolution versions of each? Also, just curious as to which of those two you like better...
Are you out there? Boss wants to run the contest, I want to enter the best version of 241--slightly larger loop, more of a swoosh version if possible... He wants to list it right away if you're there...thanks!