Can you combine the word layout here (#799) with the font in #801? Meaning, use the word Tusk that has the tusk in the K, but keep the same size / layout as this one? And align the words vertically to the top and bottom of the elephants?
Unfortunately this looks like the elephants might be trying to have sex. I think that's why a much smaller elephant coupled with a larger elephant makes more sense overall.
Not a bad attempt, but seems like the elephants are battling, rather than one nurturing and caring for another one. Also not a huge fan of circular logos.
Can you make Tusk a little smaller and Financial Planning a little larger? Also not a big fan of the circle logo, especially with the light blue sky almost blending into the small elephant. I worry how this would look if embroidered on clothing.
Can you use the thin font from #471 and shrink the elephants down to maybe slightly taller than the letters? And no more bar charts or stock market arrows...they just don't look as cool as I thought.
The font is better, but would prefer a larger and a smaller elephant, and for Tusk to be larger than Financial Planning. Can Tusk be bolder or a different color to set it apart?
Would like to see two distinct elephants...I can't tell if this is two or not. Would also like the word Tusk to be a little larger and more pronounced than Financial Planning.
Hmm. It's not what I was picturing, but I like it. Would have preferred to see two elephants, which give off a warmer, nurturing/caring vibe, which is what we're trying to convey to potential clients. It's simplistic, which is good, but it doesn't feel warm enough. The blue/green is a great combination, so maybe it's the font. I'm not quite sure.
Unique concept, but I'm not a fan of utilizing initials in the logo; I'd rather see elephants (two) because it immediately conveys a unique sense of caring, nurturing, and wisdom that we have and bestow upon our clients.
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