i actually like the concept the logo is presented on No. 51 but i am not totally convinced about the fonts specially on the "turbo" font it seems to not be integrated to the design. I believe there has to be more color variations maybe the turbo should be grey??? give me more options.... rememeber it has to be read fast, not be deciphered and remember to add the tag line. take a look at the logos from other websites we posted as references...
i like the proportions on No 64 but still not happy with the font style for "turbo" would like to see more font option on the word turbo as well as more color variations
do the following changes to 85 and 86 try to fill the blank space where the "web" is written maybe you need to space it out our enlarge it a bit more....
i like 97 but still want to see the ".com" reach out to the end...and maybe i want to see it 10% larger. 96 is a good try but the problem is that web design does not read straight forward its actually more complicated.