Hi, here is my entry for your submission. The martini glass overflowing with a wave graphically represent the name and the type of business. I've done a toned down version and a full color version, just in case you decide you want some color. Any type of color (including types of grays) can be applied. I look forward to your feedback.
Hi, I'm glad you like it. The idea just hit me! But I wasn't sure about the font, so here's another option. This is a little more modern feeling I think. If you'd like to see any changes, please let me know!
Sure! I will work on some additional designs and post them when they are ready. Do you not like the martini glass specifically (meaning maybe you'd want to see another type of glass), or just scrap the glass altogether?
I personally like it, but my partners are swinging towards the snail type design? Maybe try different glass but i would assume a martini glass is the best kind of glass you could use?
I think you nailed this logo #7, in fact I didn't even enter this contest because of your logo, lol! I was kinda shocked to see someone else in #1. Oh well, good work!