Thank you for your entry. If you can place the image on your newest entry to the left and jazz up the back like the current 1st place entry did that would be very interesting to see.
Your entry which is entry #35 is a very good one. If you can make it look similar to the current contest winner you may have a chance.
Get rid of the two smaller circles....keep the middle circle as is....move the middle circle to the left of the lettering and do a different variations of the current contest winner and you may have a chance.
OK one question, why do you need a background with elements? where will you use this logo? because any background can not work on some colours panel or print etc
If you want to Win the contest (and $375 USD is a lot of money to win) you need to take my suggestions, do something and not question them.
I'm taking time out of my schedule to give you advise so you can win....just appreciate that and do what you can to win.
We can always make adjustments later.....correct? I really need you to focus on winning.
Now to your contest entry.
The background is very good as it is now. If you can rearrange it to resemble the continents of the world.....that would be very interesting to see. Something like what you did on Entry #56
************************I notice some star dust like affects on your Entry #48 and 54******************************* ******************************That would be amazing to see as a background*****************************************
That circular white/gray ray of light that appears on almost all of your entries....try getting rid of it or make it cover the entire back ground.
The current state of it seems to take away from the quality of your design efforts.
The lettering is just fine. The coloring for the lettering is good.
The symbol needs to be reworked.
If you can redo the large black dollar sign.....that would be interesting to see....maybe make it gold or something
Maybe try something different on the symbol Try a version without the lines on the symbol Try a version that does not have the shadow under the symbol. I forgot to tell you to get rid of the shadow
When you make the changes use your current entry which is #2 in the contest and improve from that.
Thank you again for your hard work. I think you're almost there.
Remember what I said about your Entry #48 and #54?
" Note:
************************I notice some star dust like affects on your Entry #48 and 54******************************* ******************************That would be amazing to see as a background***************************************** "
It seems as if you tried to make it happen on Entry #73.....but it was too much. The "Star Dust" effect I'm talking about is located towards the bottom of the symbol on Entry #48 and more of it appears on Entry #54
It would be very very nice to see very very small bits of it in the background sample like your Entry #70
For Entry #70, It would be nice to see the lettering be they same shiny yellow/gold that is displayed on the symbol.
They symbol as it is in Entry #70 is something I may be able to accept. On that same note, is it possible for you to make the $ smaller. Maybe if the $ on the symbol was smaller and center that might propel you to the #1 slot.
I think you may be able to pull of the upset.
I will do what I can to stretch the contest out as lone as possible to afford you time to design.
All I need you to do is tone down or remove about 5 to 6 of the larger sparkles on your entry #83 which I have placed as 2nd in the contest.
Regarding the ones which will remain.......please space them out the best you can.
********** Side Note*********
I realize that along with the usual prints issued to the contest creator I'm going to need a Favicon for my website.
I intend to use the symbol on the Logo you have created.
Would have any issues creating a Favicon of the image/globe on the Logo and sending it my personal email
Also shortly after the contest is over (and if you are selected as the winner) I will need you to make a custom $500,000 United States Dollar Bill and a $50,000 United States Dollar Bill....with the words "True Money Team" on the center of the Bill where a persons face would be.
Please let me know what it will cost to have these two custom US Dollar Bills made and the best method to pay you.
You can let me know here or at the email address I have given to you.