Entry #4 looks great and has some elements that i really like; the contrast, "graphics" in script, peeling corner and the wheel. the wheel may be a bit industrial looking for some of my "white collar" clients and it lacks the dimension/depth that the rest of the layout has (looks clipart-ish). I had imagined using a 3/4 view of a truck as the image but had not considered a "part" of a vehicle. a door may work better as they look about the same on all the vehicle types that i do (3/4 view). the peeling corner is also something that i had tried to make look right and i want it to be a part of the final layout. my original layout was a grey silhouette of a box truck as the background with "truck & crane" looking as if it were a decal being applied to the truck silhouette with the letters curling up at the end to show "application in process". the truck has to be cartoon-like/re-proportioned to minimize dead space and never got the curling of the letters right.
i like the look of it and the direction, we can keep going with the image left / lettering right format if the idea if the box truck silhouette is strange or difficult. just need to find the right illustration (possibly a squeege that is the laying down the letters of the name?)
thanks for your entry it's very well done and encouraging. hopefully my reply is more informative than misdirecting.
Entry #3 makes me want to see a name patch like a janitor has, sort of the badge of the blue collar worker, oval, stitched, simple. complimented by the styling of the "graphics" script. but refer to my other reply, i feel as if i may be suggesting too many directions, so go with what suits/inspires you the most.
Entry #5 and #6 - these are getting too busy, they look great but i may have misguided a bit. entry #4 is closer to what i want so lets stick with the name being the most striking and the image being secondary. we could abandon the image all together if the name conveys the decal application idea. so using entry #4, lose the tire and convert the gray box to a thick outline and have the end of "crane" curl up as if were a decal being applied to the gray outline background. tilting the top of the image back so that there is some perspective could make it easier to give the curl some dimension. up to you.
i hope i'm helping and not making this a pain, let me know. i'm open to suggestion.
i do like entry #7 (if we end up using an image next to the name), if the name only peeling version doesn't translate then we can just find an image to replace the truck and squeege that is more simplistic, less detailed. let me know if you think the peeling name idea is possible or if we should go with the image/name version.