Thank you for you entries. Nice expression, nice font and feeling. I like the overall feeling btu are hesitating a lot about the details in you characters. Looking at it on the screen is very nice, but on paper is another story, not to mention embroidery (?). What are you're thoughts on this?
I tend to like #54 the best. A bit allergic to penguins as in #55 and #51 with variations. we are a northern country but penguins lives on the south pole...pretty far from Sweden ;-)
Keep it up, i like your style, but you didn't nail it on your first try.
As we're approaching the final deadline fast i thought it would be good to share with you all how the selection process is executed. Tomorrow evening the bord of Trollbacken will have a meeting and on that meeting decide who's the winner. That means that it does not have to be one the top ranked entries that finally take the win!
The ranking is made by me and by my preferences, this doesn't necessarily mean that this group of 8 people agree with me, but we'll see ;-)
I do eagerly await any final submissions or alterations on existing design until the final deadline.