A little too "cartoony" at present, but we like the font and colors and the general direction. The use of the dog house does somewhat imply mainly dog. I'm trying to imagine it on packaging and think the weight of the typeface would stand out.
Hello tritonpet, I taking out entry no.2 because the dog house focus only in dogs and you need something more global, as you said it is a little cartoony too so I´ll use for something that fits perfect on it hope you don´t mind, but please check my others entries, I feel that ones fit more on the triton pet concept that only the house, in all tht entries I keep the font you like on 1st entry.
Thanks for all the submissions. You're still a contender. Our favorite is #23 so far. We like the colors, but the foot prints don't work for us. Some are not relevant to small animal (dog, cat, etc.). We do like the lower case t!!
P.S. Like 58 too. Perhaps some other color schemes and prints?
Hello again, entry #97 I take out the foot prints, I don´t know exactly if you want only the text in there or if you´ll like to see something about the brand, I was thinking and to my mind came the idea of a ball, I have 2 dogs and they love it, instead my friends have cats and play with balls also... so the ball could be a iconic element because most of the pets play with it, tell me if you don´t like my idea.
entry #99, change de "T" for "t" and let only the dog foot print, and make a new cat foot print.
Hey winged one. Your design # 97 ranked 1st at present. About to award the prize. However, have questions for you. We like all the work you've done in submitting various options, alignments, colours, etc. which can be used in different applications. We like #97 the best, as mentioned, but would like bolder/stronger colours. Examples are #124 by Bulberri, #106 by Hardih, etc. Colours which really POP. We also can see uses of your design #97 with just the text (no bouncing ball though please).
My question are: Can we see the winner in some stronger colors (preferably not more than 3 colors and nothing that will wash out easily like yellow)?
Can you let us have files of the different syles/lay-outs, horizontal, vertical, with/without the strap line (oh, and can you take off the question marks please?), with/without the box? At some point we will also need a version in b/w. gray scale.
How can we contact you in future if we want to talk to you about working on changes & other "tweaks" we might want done? Do you have an email address? Do you know what would you charge or would you need to quote each job? Also, need to know if you've done any conceptual package design?
P.S. I should have mentioned that the reason we don't want the ball is that a large retail chain, who is not a customer of ours, uses one. See http://www.petsmart.com/