can you design something more like Entry #3 which is our Rank #1. We want something clean and crisp, very professional and with a cellular Tower with a signal radiating away from it. Good Luck! Maybe with our slogan under it...
Your #167 has a good chance of winning (we like the colors) but we need to see a duplicate with the rings being 3 dimensional like #113 and #57. Okay? And another duplicate with the same rings 3 dimensional but with the globe of the earth as in #157 in the middle and with the tower supporting the Globe like you have it in your #165. I believe you will win.
Hi, I have made the rings 3D, but cannot make them any more similar to the entries you referenced, as those styles belong to their respective designers, and I cannot infringe on their work. I have included both with and without the globe, and with and without the tower, for you to compare, thanks :) If theres any further changes you require please dont hesitate to let me know!
Can you try to make the tower and the Globe look more crisp, more real? And the rings more crisp, brighter and more 3 dimensional too? We are close... real close...
There are several that are more 3 dimensional on their rings than yours right now and they are all different designers so you can be unique and yet have more depth and clarity in your 3rd dimension... you are doing great
Ok I understand the rules better now. Can you use your 3 dimensional ideas... keep the 3-d globe of the earth on top of the 3-d cell tower and still keep your crisp, clean and glowing colorful 3-d rings... you are one of our top six designers for sure. This is yours to win... we like crisp clean colors... On #187 we are not sure, the black in white globe may be better... but we do like the tower looking more crisp and defined Good luck!
for #229 and #230 ive kept the slightly thicker rings from #187 and the crisper tower, and reverted back to the black and white globe. My personal preference is the black and white, it doesnt blend into the rings so much, so both rings and globe can stand out on their own, while the colors go together. Just my 2 cents :)
I am getting some negative feedback that maybe we should try something instead of rings around the globe maybe more like rays of of signals pointing or radiating out... can you try that? Good Luck!
In all honesty, you arent going to get a logo that pleases "everyone". I cant think of a logo in existence that doesnt have its naysayers. Even the Nike swoosh has its critics. The circles are just another way to graphically represent the signals coming from the tower. Theyre less common than semi-circles, or little lightning bolts radiating from it, but, in my opinion, thats a good thing, as you dont want to be seen as just "another cellular company". I've uploaded a reworked version of my original, with signals radiating from the globe. I'll try and think of something else, too.
I know you have worked hard on this and we are down to the last 5.... I need you to make some changes though... please don't take this personally but we need the logo to look more real... not like an "outer space" concept... I know you are talented and if I have caused you to go in the wrong direction I apologize but I can see your gifted... I need a more realistic logo with a tower and globe at the top with less color in the rings... again i apologize...
I'm confused on which you want me to revise, do you want the 3D type rings, or the flat semi-circular rings? I'll start work on both, but I'm unsure what type of rings you're after
#290 #291 and #292 all have a more realistic tower base, and less color in the rings. I assumed you'd rather go with blue. If you'd like another color please do let me know :) Also if you'd like more changes let me know that, also
And make the "ri" in "TriTEL" lower case? Also make the globe in black and white with the Continents white and the water black and vice versus. Good work! #305 and #306 are great!
And make the "ri" in "TriTEL" lower case? Also make the globe in black and white with the Continents white and the water black and vice versus. Good work! #305 and #306 are great!
Hi illumina, You have been picked as our top designers... We have done this on a prior logo tournament with our top designer and are asking for the below five items. This can be handled by email at Thank you and please reply with any questions by email.
1. A large Logo also "1600 by 500" with (transparent background) 2. A few different color variations and (Reversals) 3. The “icon” (or image in ad) separate (as well as in the logo). 4. A PNG transparent File 5. Different variations of the logo. (1 for dark background, 1 for light background.)
Hi DIVEBLUE, I'm not allowed to have outside contact with contest holders while a contest is still active, but I am happy to answer your questions here, I'm sorry and hope you can understand. I can provide any size logo you would like, also any color variations. Icon separated would be fine too, and I always supply PNG files (far better than jpeg and even gif in my opinion), and I'll be happy to include dark background and light background variations too. I will have the lower case "ri" ready in just a little while. I'm sorry for my slow response, some days are more hectic than you anticipate and today was one of those days :)
Hi DIVEBLUE, just to update you, I assume you have asked the top 5 designers for the same files, so I have contacted admin in order to ask permission for all designers affected to send the files you have requested. Occasionally admin will grant approval to requests like this. The only one you would really need through email would be the large logo, though. all the other kinds could be shown in the contest area. If you would like to contact admin yourself to clarify and ask permission you can do so through the "Help" link. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience but we cannot break the rules, as we risk our accounts being suspended.
Am I in trouble? I had no idea that i was doing anything wrong. I just did what a friend told me to do and even copied and pasted the 5 items above... I have to be honest.... I didn't read all that is in this website and had no idea I was going to cause a problem... Sorry...
No, its OK, please dont worry, it has happened before, agencies require larger files in order to present them to their clients, you're not in trouble at all, please dont think that. Its considered a special circumstance, and doesnt happen often, but because the website cant handle extremely large images (the server would become overwhelmed with unnecessary gigabytes of data), we just have to ask permission, its really nothing to worry about :)
You have taken off with your performance.... Congrats...
I am getting worried though as Ivan still has our account under review and Administrative hold... how long before that will be cleared do you believe in your experience... Ivan asked me to call a phone number and leave a message but no word since... should I be alarmed... I am confused as to what is taking place... can you elaborate?
Ivan works from 9am-5pm PST monday to Friday, if the phone message was left close to 5pm PST, or after, he probably just didnt have time to answer before finishing work today. You'll definitely get an answer tomorrow morning, Ivan always tries his best to resolve things quickly and is very efficient :)
Hi, I dont know what happened with the large image thing, I waited but heard nothing. I think all I missed out on was showing the icon by itself. If you are still interested in my logo I can upload the standalone icon.
#406 - #412 are basically the same graphic, shown in different layouts, the icons are the same graphics, one with and one without a tower, both are recognizable as the core identity and could be used as media icons. Both horizontal and vertical layouts depending on space restrictions, too :)