TripKnowledgyLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / TripKnowledgy TripKnowledgy has selected their winning logo design. For $325 they received 105 designs from 23 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by sreekantg Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 5th #38 Withdrawn New #96 Withdrawn New #95 Withdrawn New #94 Withdrawn New #92 Withdrawn New #77 Withdrawn New #37 Withdrawn New #36 Withdrawn New #34 Withdrawn New #32 Discussion TripKnowledgy Client #38: I like the concept of the roller chasing after the name. But is it possible to clear up the suitcase? Make it something technology based? And is it possible to use a more playful font? It's a little to serious for me.Thanks for your great designs!! 12 years ago sreekantg Logo Designer HiThank you for considering my design. Please find a few revisions Please let me know if you need any changes in the designsThank you for your time 12 years ago