#2 - a simple design in which the circles represent shoppers. The red circle is a shopper going somewhere else and the grey curling line is the message catching it before it gets away.
Interesting, although I didn't get it without the explanation in words. Maybe if the curl looked more like a lassoo and the dots more like people somehow .
#23 & #22 - person with a shopping trolley walking away up a path disappearing into the distance. The yellow shape is in the style of a yellow highlight pen and is meant to mean that the person walking away is being targeted as a shopper getting away. #22 has the lasso idea - not sure about that - maybe it looks better without the lasso.
#2 was supposed to be quite an abstract design. I think the way you need to look at this is that the design is an easily recognisable graphic device which would become associated with your product and not necessarily a visual explanation.
The shopping basket looks a bit too much like a trashcan. Try without that? Maybe try the customer running away, with the lassoo catching them. Also we prefer the text without the background. Can we also try It without the grey road?
Form factor wise, wee would prefer the customer to be on the right of the words.
#57 Much clearer. Colors are stronger. Would prefer the font that you used in #60, but don't do another version at this stage because we can tell how that would look.
#60 Can see what you are doing with combining the magnet and a letter, but it doesn't work for me. The available letters at the ends of the words are not good shapes for that.
Please make the logo 160 pixels wide in future entries (excluding the margin). This is because the final logo will be 160 pixels wide on screen, or 3cm wide on a printed business card.
#102 & #103 - Designs with a vortex sucking the shopper back. The background to Triggered in #103 is a button triggering a message. I've just noticed your message about size of submissions. These two latest designs are about 2.5cm wide at the normal printing resolution of 300dpi.
Two more submissions with the text all upper case and a simpler figure. In #110 the G and the vortex are joined. In #111 the vortex isn't joined with the G and two shapes have been added above and below the figure to accentuate the idea of being sucked into the vortex.
#131 #132 #133 #134 - More versions in red and grey. In #134 I have used fewer curves in the vortex which means more of the shopping basket is visible.
Great work, thank you. The top two designs in the competition were very close - it's been very hard to make a choice! Please do send us contact details after the competition hello@triggeredmessaging.com.