Only hoped you could give me a couple versions with the tool line beside "making extraordinary moves" the dark gray color and look at the words Making ExraOrdinary Moves darker or outlined or shadowed to make it legible on printings more. I bet we can do this too...just tell us the font names. The logo itself if the main and we can work on the text as we go along too.
Love this...Can you make the Making ExtraOrdinary Moves with the O capitalizes and darker color to read it easier or shadow it a bit so you can read it?
Could you tone down the blue to a softer blue and maybe a gray outline around the triangle then look at adding some gray on the buildings and not around the triangle etc...just some options with this would be great to see!
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Thank you for choosing my design as the winner. I have uploaded the final files, waiting for your approval.
Please let me know if you need anything else about this logo.