No particular suggestions. Feel free to create any additional submissions you may want us to see. I love your font style. I would like to see you make an additional attempt for the image just to give us an extra look. Anything that's either shipping related or specific to our company name would be good.
Hi Hibban, again very cool color scheme and design. I just want to confirm your vision for the image to the left of the company name. Would appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.
Hi Hibban. I think your color choices and font are great. Can you 1) explain to me your choice of image and 2) try this same t with other maritime relevant images? It seems like you have a good eye for design so would be interested to see what you come up with. Thanks!
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Yes i tried to make to exact with your colors. i wondering if there any changes or ideas would you want to see?
what is lacking in order to become a leader? please let me know if you have any changes or ideas.